Applied Systems Thinking for Sustainability and Complexity in Business
HP – SIM SkillsFuture Queen Bee Programme
I learnt the concept of systems thinking, where we need to look at something (e.g. issue) at a systems level rather than on a microscopic scale, as we need to identify the interdependencies to gain better understanding. This enables us to curate an accurate and robust solution. This concept gels with sustainability, which we often overlook, and is very much applicable to our manufacturing processes. I have started to see things from a broader perspective to gain better understanding on the interactions present. - Calvin Wong, Product Engineer, NPDI-SPIN, HP |
Course Overview
As the world shrinks through globalisation, improved and more connected technology, we have never been so interconnected and interdependent. With this “new” world increasingly relying heavily on technology, of which all of the resources required to produce this is growing exponentially, we are forced to confront the issues surrounding every aspect of availability, extraction, production, distribution, and use, as well as the negative environmental and social impacts associated with them. In essence, that is the entire network of systems and related subsystems that form part of the necessary “value chain” to bring these to a reality.
For the most part, our thinking has not required us to consider beyond the first level order of our actions as we each take care of our own part. Yet we are seeing that unawareness of the wider systems is leading to and continuously creating complex problems that are resulting in our collective pathway to irreversible climate change, ecological destruction and societal inequalities. In addition, the ramifications of being hyper connected are changing the ways we need to work for both the long and short term.
In response to such challenges, businesses can play a key role as part of the positive impact against these, but it needs a different type of thinking. One that acknowledges seeing the whole as bigger than the sum of its parts, the non-linear impacts of our actions and one that understands behaviours of systems.
Systems thinking is the missing perspective that complements the mechanistic and reductionist view of the world that has shaped the last two centuries. Along with it come opportunities for deeper and broader perspectives, new forms of knowledge, value and impact. This course will teach you the foundations in this way of seeing and understanding the world – helping you to become aware of risk, build resilience and transform the way you work to solve problems you face and create opportunities, in this new planetary, and therefore business paradigm.
What You’ll Learn
- Introduce the broad scope of sustainability as well as the context of sustainability for SMART manufacturing
- Understand the strategic potential of circular economy for manufacturing at the systems level
- Learn to connect implications of global events to daily business practices and decisions
- Introduce the foundations and key principles of systems thinking and develop systemic awareness.
- Equip the learners with practical knowledge of systems thinking implementation and use for problem solving in the context of sustainability
- Application of tools used to start seeing broader systems – and their behaviours in the business context
Who Is It For
2 Days In-Person Classroom Training (16 Hours Including Assessment)
After the course, trainee who had fulfilled the course requirements of
- 75% class attendance and
- Attained a 80% competency for the assessment
Will receive a Certification of Achievement from Singapore Institute of Management (SIM).
About the Faculty |
Anna Itkin, PhD |
Working experiences/expertise Her consulting portfolio includes FMCG multinational, F&B multinational, Energy regional SME, Asset Managers regional SME, Investors regional, Policy makers regional, Global consulting firm. Curriculum Design, Development and Facilitation/ Training Anna has successfully delivered bespoke Corporate Education in house sessions on various topics of sustainability, e.g. circular economy, systems thinking, sustainability 101, sustainability reporting. Learning and development sessions on topics such as plastic circular economy for policy makers, carbon management, business model innovation, business resilience in VUCA times, and others. Design, delivery and facilitation of continuous learning within systems innovation, e.g. systems thinking, reflective thinking, system awareness, system mapping, etc. |
Rachpal Kaur Tulsi |
Among her consulting portfolio includes Rolls Royce (Marine), Wartsila, Hewlett Packard, Panasonic, and over 50 organisations in the public and private sector both in Singapore and Asia Pacific. Her academic experience include Masters of Arts (Education & Human Development) from the George Washington University, Bachelor of Arts (Psychology & Politics) from Swinburne University, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Certification, Certified Trainer in Systems Thinking, Mapping and Leadership. Rachpal also has extensive knowledge in curriculum development in topics related to Sense and Decision Making, Mindfulness and Resilience and Leadership and Personal Development. |
Course Runs
Course Fees |
Full Fees (before GST): $1,300.00 |
Applicants/Eligibility |
Fees Payable
(after GST)
1. Singapore Citizens aged 40 and above (individual or company-sponsored)1 up to 90% SkillsFuture Funding |
$165.10 |
2. Singapore Citizens aged below 40 (individual or company-sponsored) up to 70% SkillsFuture Funding |
$425.10 |
3. Singapore Permanent Residents and LTVP+ Holders (individual or company-sponsored) up to 70% SkillsFuture Funding |
$425.10 |
4. SME-sponsored2 Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and LTVP+ Holders up to 90% SkillsFuture Funding |
$165.10 |
5. Others (individual or company-sponsored) full fees payable |
$1,417.00 |
• As per SSG’s policy, the GST payable is calculated based on 9% of the nett fee payable after baseline funding subsidy of 70% • GST payable is subject to revision • Self-sponsored Singaporeans aged 25 years and above may use SkillsFuture Credit balance to offset respective course fees. Please click here for more information. • 1 Under the SkillsFuture Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy. For more information, visit the SkillsFuture website here. • 2 Under the Enhanced Training Support for Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Scheme. For more information of the scheme, click here. |